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What are practitioner-only products?

7 March 2022|2 min read

So, what are practitioner-only products? You may have seen the name on our website, or even on the label of some supplement products. It can be confusing, but let’s break it down here.

Broadly, practitioner-only products are complementary medicines that contain therapeutic levels of active ingredients including key nutrients, vitamins or medicinal herbs. They are high quality to maximise impact and effectiveness. 

Practitioner-only products are formulated with specific blends of ingredients or unique ingredients that are not always found in other supplements. Because of this, there are some guidelines around how you can access these products.

Who can recommend these products?

Practitioner-only supplements are recommended by qualified practitioners with expertise in natural medicines - naturopaths, pharmacists and chiropractors to name a few. You will need to have a health consultation first, which establishes the suitability of these products for you. 

Why choose practitioner only brands

The easiest way to highlight the superior nature of these products is to describe some of the aspects that make them special:


Bioavailability is the amount of the active ingredient that is digested, then absorbed and metabolised through pathways in your body.

This portion of the ingredient is then available for the body to use for its health and wellness benefits.

Some practitioner-only supplements have superior bioavailability, which may mean they are more effective for some people.

It is important to note that the supplement’s formulation and encapsulation, excipients, manufacturing methods, release, and dosage all contribute to its bioavailability.

Read the label or ask your practitioner for more advice on this, and if there is a more bioavailable product that would better suit your needs. 


Supplements contain a variety of ingredients and other excipients (inactive ingredients) that help form the capsule, liquid or specific dosage format. 

Practitioner products have been developed using the best ingredients and often blend multiple active ingredients in one product, to allow for multiple benefits and to enhance absorption. In some cases, the ingredients help each other work better - this is called synergistic activity. 

Bottom line? Whilst there can still be a significant variation between brands and products, practitioner-only products tend to ensure that the bioavailability and ingredients (and all things in between) are of a high standard.

How can I access practitioner-only products? 

Products from practitioner brands, whether they are vitamin and mineral or herbal supplements can be supplied by qualified healthcare professionals.

Due to the high-grade nature of these products, and as with all supplements,  those who are on prescription medication, additional supplements, have a diagnosed medical condition, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or have any allergies must consult with a health professional before using these products. 

Reviewed by the healthylife Advisory Board March 2022


This article is for informational purposes only and does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. If you have any concerns or questions about your health you should consult with a health professional.